Months of the Year
January 27/90 : 45/99 :1322/540
February 42/96 : 48/120 : 774/576
March 25/43 : 29/92 : 122/258
April 29/56 : 34/79 : 170/336
May 12/39 : 15/42 : 431/234
June 14/50 : 22/58 : 845/300
July 14/68 : 22/40 :1220/408
August 17/89 : 37/73 : 598/534
September 40/103 : 50/140 : 377/618
October 33/78 : 39/111 : 290/468
November 40/94 : 41/122 : 912/564
December 37/55 : 44/161 : 134/330
Click any month word above to navigate to that page, you will be directed to a list of sums of that word. Remember to match the number patterns relating to the subject, date or theme you are focusing on, the color categorizing may help with this and the ciphers are interrelated.
February 42/96 : 48/12
March 25/43 : 29/92 : 122/258
April 29/56 : 34/79 : 17
May 12/39 : 15/42 : 431/234
June 14/5
July 14/68 : 22/4
August 17/89 : 37/73 : 598/534
September 4
October 33/78 : 39/111 : 29
November 4
December 37/55 : 44/161 : 134/33
Click any month word above to navigate to that page, you will be directed to a list of sums of that word. Remember to match the number patterns relating to the subject, date or theme you are focusing on, the color categorizing may help with this and the ciphers are interrelated.